Jan 6, 2024


― Dr. Veethika Kapur - Audiologist & Speech Language Therapist

Voice therapy is a specialized form of rehabilitation aimed at helping individuals with voice disorders improve their vocal function, quality, and overall communication. It involves therapeutic interventions conducted by speech-language pathologists or Voice therapists. Voice therapy is beneficial for both children and adults and can address various voice disorders.

Voice Disorders: Voice disorders impact the larynx (voice box) and can result in changes to the quality, pitch, or loudness of the voice. Common voice disorders include laryngitis, muscle tension dysphonia, spasmodic dysphonia, vocal cord dysfunction, vocal cord lesions, and vocal cord paralysis.

Function of the Voice: The voice is produced when air passes through the lungs, windpipe, and voice box. Within the larynx, two vocal cords vibrate as air flows through, creating sound waves. Any disruption in the coordination or function of these vocal cords can lead to voice disorders.

Indications for Voice Therapy: People experiencing voice disorders such as laryngitis, muscle tension dysphonia, spasmodic dysphonia, vocal cord dysfunction, vocal cord lesions, or vocal cord paralysis may benefit from voice therapy. The therapy aims to eliminate harmful vocal behaviour’s, promote healthy vocal behaviours’, and facilitate the healing of vocal cords from after surgery or injury.

Gender-Affirming Voice Therapy: Transgender individuals may undergo gender-affirming voice therapy to adjust the pitch, intonation, and resonance of their voice to align with their gender identity. This therapy can be pursued independently or in conjunction with voice feminization or voice masculinization surgery.

Voice Therapy Techniques: Voice therapy involves various exercises and techniques tailored to the specific needs of the individual. These may include breathing exercises to control the diaphragm, tension release exercises to reduce throat tension, semi-occluded vocal tract sounds, and voice-building exercises to strengthen vocal cords.

Providers of Voice Therapy: Laryngologists, who specialize in conditions affecting the voice box, may refer individuals to voice therapists. Speech-language pathologists, respiratory therapists, and voice coaches are among the specialists who can provide voice therapy.

Advantages of Voice Therapy: Voice therapy serves both preventive and rehabilitative purposes. It can help prevent voice problems, improve vocal cord health, and address issues such as hoarseness, laryngitis, and vocal cord lesions. There are generally no downsides or risks associated with participating in voice therapy.